Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 4, 2013

Well, it turns out that I'm sick too. It finally happened, I managed to avoid it for a long time, but it caught up to me. It should be gone in a couple of days, and it's not that bad, just a sore throat and runny nose. But all else is well. I'm sure y'all heard about the kid held hostage in Midland City, Alabama. That is in our area, and only five miles away from our apartment! We aren't really affected by it, only that it's all people talk about. Not much else has been happening. Our companionship is doing great and we are working hard to get people dunked! But more meaningful than that. :)
I'm glad everything is still going good over there, and that it has been going good since I've been gone! I'm not worried about my money, I was just curious. I thought that I paid for a lot of it, so if you are in a tight pinch, feel free to use it, I don't mind having to work for it when I get back! And about clothes, I will just "borrow" from my brothers! :) Not much has been happening by way of perfect investigators, but we are still praying and searching! I know we will find them soon!
By the way, have y'all been doing family history work? I've recently been on our family tree on Familysearch.org, and updated a few things.... :) you might need to check them to make sure they are correct, especially your information! haha. I'm not sure about the birth dates and birth places of Ashton and Jameson, and that's about all I did... It is way fun to look at that stuff, I still need to figure out how to find new information, and apply the sources.
How much has our ward changed? Has it stayed pretty much the same? I had a dream that a member from here took us to a gas station in Centerville because we weren't able to get it anywhere closer. I freaked out because I didn't want anyone to see me and know I was back early. It was weird because I talked to some of my friends at the gas station and I remember thinking afterwards, why did I do that? Now everyone will know! It was very weird. I hope you haven't had anymore dreams about me coming home early.... elder Danner had one of me going too. But don't worry, I won't!
Ten months left, 7 transfers, so I'm guestimating that I'm going to be in at least two more areas after this. Maybe even only one more! I would like that, that way I don't have to visit so many people after, when I come back. haha. I'm going to have to burn some of my white shirts because they are nasty. Mainly from last summer. I think I'll be good with what I have. I'll just need to iron more!
Love you and talk to you next week!

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