Monday, July 30, 2012

Not being able to watch the summer Olympics is killing me! We do ask about what goes on every time someone mentions it. I remember the funnest thing to watch was beach volleyball! I am really missing it right now. Anyway, back to the work! The city part of Eufaula is about the same size as Centerville, but when you get just outside, it spreads way out. It's just like Chipley when it comes to the people. Half and half, the more part of the black people live in the poorer side, and then there are sections of rural housing next to the lake that contains the more wealthy people. There are some BIG houses there too. Most of our work is done outside the city though. We have to drive long ways to get to appointments. Outside the city, usually the more country folk are. You see some trailers that are real poor looking, but everyone manages to own a boat! I haven't met one person that doesn't like to fish. We went fishing once with our bishop, then we found that we weren't allowed to fish anymore, apparently some guy got his arm bit off by an alligator down here, so President doesn't want that to happen to us! Don't worry, I'm in no danger, a member taught me how to fight if the alligator has a hold of my arm! Grab his tongue and jab his eyes with my thumb! If he goes underwater, push my arm further down his throat so he breathes in water. I got it down! haha

It is very humid....I've gotten used to it, but it isn't fun! They have some pretty nice storms down here, we had to drive through a rough one recently. We had a dinner appointment at Donnie Sims' home, which is far north-west, and as we were driving we saw this huge cloud towering over us. You could see the blanket of rain that was pouring out from under it. We knew that we were going straight through it. There was lightning all around, and rain super thick. The wind was making the trees sway side to side, and we had to go slow and watch for falling limbs. We saw cars pulled off to the side, with a cop car joining them, and the front of one had a big dent. A little later down the road we saw what caused it, a big limb was moved to the side, and we guessed that's what stopped them. The scariest part was when the lightning bolt hit less that one hundred yards away. It reminded me of Twister! I mentioned it to Elder Lane and it scared him even more. Luckily no tornado!
The work has continued to progress here, and we were able to set a baptismal date with one of our investigators! We have been working with him for a little more than a week, and he is already done with half of the Book of Mormon! It hasn't been a month yet, so we haven't heard back from that lady.
Everything is going well, and I am now designated driver, so I'll be driving around the truck! Also Donnie Sims, who we had dinner at, is a nationally ranked archer. He went all over on hunts, and has a big trophy room full of cool animals, kind of like the Ward's home! I was wondering if the Griffiths friend who lives across from the church knows who he is. He is super tall, and very funny and bold. We took him on some lessons with us and he told them what's up!
I got the card, and I'll talk with y'all next week! LOVE YOU!!

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