Hey y'all, no I haven't received the letters yet. I'm trying to keep in contact with Chipley so I know when they get them, but I don't know if they'll let me know. It's a hassle contacting other zones, you have to get permission from many leaders. Our mail comes at 3, so I wouldn't know until later. Thanks for sending me things though! I did get Jackie's letter, right before I left Chipley. I waited to send her a letter until I got here. So I didn't have the same problem with her. Everything else is going good though!
The weather is super HOT! The President sent us all a text and told us to stay indoors, and to bike short distances. The worst part was the humidity! Saturday wasn't too humid, but Sunday was like walking into a wall of hot mist. It was terrible. We also visited a couple who didn't have air conditioning, and we stayed there for forty minutes, they had fans going, but that wasn't enough. I got accustomed to it, and when we went back outside, we realized that it was the same temperature as inside! I felt bad for them. He said that he was born in that house, and his family got power when he was ten, that's when they got their first fan! I'm guessing that means they are used to it....

Sounds like everything is same 'ol same 'ol. Jameson having girls fight over him, Ashton secretly dating people, and Casey being bored, haha. That's going to be way exciting though, I loved the fourth of July parade. I don't know what's going on down here. I will find out soon though! I heard of an awesome tradition that the townsfolk do around here at New Year's Eve. They soak some sort of ball in a liquid over a period of a few months, light it on fire, and throw it around. It won't burn you unless you hold it longer than a few seconds. Sounds dangerous and fun! haha, they have been doing it for years now, and nothing bad has happened yet, or nothing I've been told about. I love the people in this ward. They may be old, but they are hilarious! The Leroys, the couple who have no air conditioning, are super funny. Bro Leroy was in some war as a paratrooper, and he was talking about everyone owning a gun. He then said, in fact I forgot this was in my pocket, and he pulls out a small pistol. It was hilarious!
I haven't seen a rugby game in so long! Most people don't know what rugby is, but some have seen what it looks like. I'm glad that USA beat Japan, Japan isn't that good, but neither is our team. I hope they are better this year. But what is the junior league?
Sounds like everything is going great, and I guess I have to tell a mission story now.... haha jk.
Well.... we do mostly rescue work here, visiting less actives and getting them to come back to church. We were visiting a family and we went down a dirt road and we thought we could keep going, but there was a no trespassing sign. It was a thin road, and because it was a hot day, I didn't want to get out and back up the truck. I trusted my companion as he made a three point turn and then pulled into a driveway not too far. After visiting the family, we got back in the car, but Elder Lane was outside looking at the car. He opened the door and said our tire's leaking. So it turned out that we ran over something and our tire had a hole. The only time I don't follow mission rules, and we get a flat tire. I testify that God has a sense of humor! Anyway we spent an hour looking for the hidden tools, finding how to get the spare out, and changing the flat. God did protect us from the rain, as soon as we finished it started to rain. We got the tire changed, and all is well now.
The work is picking up, and I know many more people in the ward. I also heard from Javi, he's in Atlanta Georgia mission, and he's right above ours. He's in an area where missionaries baptized tons of people, but didn't keep track, so he has to work with a list of 760 less actives! He says it's hard work, but he loves it!
I hope I get those letters soon so I can send the card. I love y'all, and I hope to have better stories next time! :)
For Ashton: we do service for the mother of the manager of the rams, she has offered us twice super nice apartments on the beach for a couple of weekends! Temptation!