Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hey y'all!
It's always good to hear from you guys. Yeah, I should be a good example for them! Jkjk. Everything is still going great. The baptism for the family is next week, and they are still doing great! We are also going to see another family that hopefully turns into more investigators. It's raining hot rain, on a 84 degree day..... yeah I know.... but I love it here! We have been singing, but I still need to get over my nervousness, but it's fun. I have only had to direct the music once, at the last baptism, but I have been able to avoid doing it....:) When they need me, then I'll step up. I am staying here for another transfer, we found out yesterday, I was worried cause I thought I was going to leave, and miss the baptism next week.

That's awesome that Carson is getting married! Now he won't kill himself doing something exotic! Actually, I take that back knowing Olivia, now he won't die alone! :) jk, that's kinda dark. It's very interesting to think that when I get back, the bachelors I once knew are going to have a wife hangin' around them...weird! Tell them I wish them the best, and that now they'll reach exaltation!
About the Jazz, I give up on them. I'm all about the Heat! Go Lebron! Naw jk, I don't know anymore, I'll have to find a cool team when I get back. Unless the Jazz get somebody good. Maybe we'll get Jimmer back! Anything can happen :)
The last letter you sent me, and I'm using my memory because I haven't looked at them recently, was Jameson and Brook flying kites. I'm pretty sure. But if I get two of the same, then I'll be fine, I'll just give it to Elder Tialino. The skateboarder, jk, he can't do much, I'm just a great photographer!
Now, how can you be partial to Jackie's dance partner last year when that was me?? You should be fully toward her partner last year! :) But I'll give Ryley props, he's a good guy. I hope she continues to do great, it's weird thinking that she only has less than three weeks left! I challenge her to get a cooler graduation picture than me, I don't think it's possible but she can try! :) (He texted me to get a picture of him on the jumbo tron and when he got to the spot where they took the picture, he pointed straight at it and winked and somehow I snapped it fast enough to get the picture!!) I'm glad she did well.
Well, about this Sunday, I will plan it out after I talk to more members. I'm thinking people are going to fight for having us at their house to skype. But I'm allowed to call you Saturday night, after six most likely. I'll talk to y'all then!
See y'all on the flip side!
Love Elder Smith

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