Monday, April 16, 2012


Thank you for sending me this, I just barely read the chapters of Jarom and Omni, and was wondering exactly that! That is so cool that the word's of Mormon is the lost pages of Martin Harris. I vaguely remember that from somewhere, but I'm glad to sent it to me. I just was thinking about the importance of reading the scriptures for investigators, and about having them read it slow and not skim. As I have been reading the B of M myself, I have found that key points in the Gospel come out in an order, where if someone where to read and sincerely be interested in the gospel, will find those things out precept by precept. There is so many hidden treasures in the scriptures it is so interesting. I am now trying to read them and really try to see why the prophets would write each section the way they did, because there is always a point they want to portray. As I was reading, I thought it was interesting that one of the Kings in the book of Omni wrote that he protected his people, but was a wicked man, yet he still followed the commandments of his fathers, if not of the Lord. I'm still trying to decipher that one, but soon I will get it!
Thank you for sending these emails of knowledge, they really do help me out. I am writing in my journal everyday, and I'm trying to keep the dumb things out of them. It is hard, but after I read about how Nephi wrote only the important spiritual needs, I said that I will do that too. I try not to write everything I have done each day, but I have been writing the spiritual things.
I think it's very interesting that the more I read, the more I see how you raised us kids. I think that it is very impressive that you were able to raise us right, and that we are as knowledgeable in the Gospel. Thank you so much!
I look forward to your next email! Keep up the good work!
Elder Smith

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