I just saw this email, and the one you sent through the cool missionary helper thing. I sent you guys a letter including one for you, Megan, and Jameson's flash drive which I didn't take out of his backpack because I didn't know it was in there. [Jameson gave Parker a lot of missionary hand-me-downs...backpack (actually not his missionary one but his from LDS Business College), suit that he hardly wore because it was too hot in Brazil, and suitcases that the wheels were worn off!] I totally called Casey arguing with everybody, which nobody believed me! So I would like to take this time to say.....I told you so!! :) I do love my mission and everything about it. I hope you get my letter and when you do send me an email through that website saying you got it so I know that it wasn't lost. I am learning many things and I just barely taught my district a lesson about being diligent and how to receive revelations. I hope it works because we have been having some trouble lately with staying quiet through personal study and lessons. And with Megan's letter, please give it to her and also her address, because I don't have it:) It was great hearing about Jimmer, 21 points in his first game!! Wonder if the circumstances were because of the Lord.....well, best not to dwell on that. I hope you get my letter, and if you don't by Wednesday, then I will tell you a lot more about my mission in the next email! I love you all very much and I hope you all have a merry Christmas!!! I know I will:)
PS How is Ashton doing in his relationship with Krista? :))
(E-mail received on Tuesday, December 20, 2011)
It is tough to stop thinking about the everyday doings at home but you will soon be in awesome missionary mode.